Sport for All   Athlete Development Clinic Regina Lawn Bowling Club and  Mayfair Lawn Bowling Club

Sport for All   Athlete Development Clinic Regina Lawn Bowling Club and  Mayfair Lawn Bowling Club
One day only, in two locations!    Choose the location nearest to you.
Saturday, June 4th   9:30 am – 5:00 pm 
Why should you attend?

Because you will have fun and learn winning techniques, skills, tactics, confidence and the mental game.

Cost to enter?  FREE!! 

  • All entrants must be members in good standing with Bowls Sask
  • Non Regina and Saskatoon participants will receive a travel subsidy
    Bring your own lunch

    Deadline for entry – Monday, May 23rd
    To register contact the Bowls Saskatchewan office:
    [email protected] or 306-780-9426
