Mayfair Lawn Bowling Club - June 14-16, 2019


Gold: Jonathon Pituley / Michael Pituley

Silver: Carter Watson / Brandon Watson

Bronze: Keith Roney / Daryl Hanoski


Gold: Heather Hanoski / Anita Nivala

Silver: Rachel Larson / Eileen McLelland

Bronze: Sydney Boyd / Lorraine Layton

Carter Watson
Brandon Watson
Janet Watson
Karen Schlotter
Mark Sutyla
Pat Schlotter
Heather Hanoski
Anita Nivala
Ernie Meid
Doug Propp
Arlene Chermishnok
Beverley Kenyon
Keith Roney
Daryl Hanoski
Elizabeth Jones
Kim Alexanderson
Gary Laurence
Jerry Debrowney
Sydney Boyd
Lorraine Layton
Mason Boyd
Ivan Layton
Rachel Larson
Eileen McLelland
Charlie Taylor
Lo Wong
Carolyn Jones
Hilda Voth
Michael Pituley
Jonathan Pituley
Kitty Cooper
Laurie Debrowney
Robert Hackett
Brian Davis
Lorie Young
Bev Coutts
Nick Jones
Daniel Morin
Nola Stein
Laura Hale
Joseph Chan
Cam McClelland
Bill Brooks
Barry Hodge
Jordan Gailey
Bryon McMillan
Doug Normand
David Ackerman
Ron Kaye
Bruce MacDonald
Vivyan Immelman
Peter Christensen

Regina Lawn Bowling Club - June 22-23, 2019


Gold: Charlie Taylor / Jordan Gailey / Bryon McMillan / Mason Boyd

Silver: Carter Watson / Brandon Watson / Lo Wong / Pat Schlotter

Bronze: Mark Sutyla / Doug Propp / Kevin Welykholwa / Ernie Meid


Gold: Kim Alexanderson / Liz Jones / Anne Mathewson / Lorraine Layton

Silver: Sydney Boyd / Janice Robson / Janet Watson / Karen Schlotter

Bronze: Harriette Pituley / Rachel Larson / Eileen McLelland / Clem Grant


Men’s Women’s
Carter Watson (s)
Brandon Watson
Lo Wong
Pat Schlotter
Sydney Boyd (s)
Janice Robson
Janet Watson
Karen Schlotter
Mark Sutyla. (s)
Doug Propp.
Kevin Welykholowa.
Ernie Meid
Vi McPherson (s)
Jo Urquhart
Jessie Carlson
Jean Temple
Robert Hackett, (s)
Joseph Chan,
Larry Grychowski
Bill Brooks
Elizabeth Jones
Lorraine Layton
Kim Alexanderson (s)
Anne Mathewson
Charlie Taylor (s)
Jordan Gailey
Bryon McMillan
Mason Boyd
Harriette Pituley (s)
Rachel Larson,
Eileen McLelland
Clem Grant.
Keith Roney (s)
David Calam
Doug Normand
David Ackerman

Regina Lawn Bowling Club - June 29-30, 2019


Gold: Doug Propp

Silver: David Calam

Bronze: Cam McLelland


Doug Propp – Mayfair
Daniel Morin – Moose Jaw
Cam McLelland – Nutana
Doug Lambert – RLBC
Mark Sutyla – RLBC
David Calam – RLBC
Kevin Welykholowa – RLBC
Ron Anderson – Moose Jaw

Nutana Lawn Bowling Club - July 5-7th, 2019


Gold: Darrell Hanoski

Silver: Ernie Meid

Bronze: Doug Propp


Gold: Harriette Pituley

Silver: Jordan Kos

Bronze: Eileen McLelland


Brandon Watson
Janet Watson
Carter Watson
Jean Roney
Keith Roney
Lois Kos
Garry Dolinsky
Jordan Kos
Darrell Hanoski
Heather Hanoski
Daniel Morin
Kitty Cooper
Cam McLelland
Rachel Larson
Doug Propp
Eileen McLelland
Owen Wright
Clem Grant
Lorrand Wong
Karen MacLean
Gary Laurence
Jennie Mah
Jerry Debrowney
Carolyn Jones
Ron Kaye
Hilda Voth
Bruce MacDonald
Shawna Pickrell
Viv Immelman
Laurie Debrowney
Robert Hackett
Isobel Parkin
Bryon McMillan
Erin Higgins
Andrew Sharpe
Harriette Pituley
David Ackerman
Ernie Meid
Joe Chermishnok
Doug Normand

Mayfair - July 12-14, 2019

Men – U25

Gold: Carter Watson

Silver: Brandon Watson

Bronze: Jordan Gailey

Men – U18

Gold: Lorrand Wong

Silver: David Ewart

Bronze: Aidan Kreutzer

Women – U25

Gold: Jordan Kos

Women – U18

Gold: Alena Bergeron

Regina Lawn Bowling Club - July 12-14


Gold: Doug Lambert, Bo Kos, Garth Zummack

Silver: Doug Normand, David Calam, Pat Schlotter

Bronze: Cam McLelland, Jack Wigham, Jerry Debrowney


Gold: Vi McPherson, Jo Urquhart, Janice Robson

Silver: Carolyn Jones, Clem Grant, Hilda Voth


Men Women
Doug Normand – RLBC
David Calam – RLBC
Pat Schlotter – RLBC
Vi McPherson – RLBC
Jo Urquhart – RLBC
Janice Robson – RLBC
Murray Pituley – RLBC
Larry Grychowski – RLBC
John Gale – RLBC
Carolyn Jones – Nutana
Clem Grant – Mayfair
Hilda Voth – Mayfair
Doug Lambert – RLBC
Bo Kos – RLBC
Garth Zummack – RLBC
Cam McLelland – Nutana
Jack Wigham – Nutana
Jerry Debrowney – Nutana
Robert Hackett –
Bill Brooks – Nutana
Brian Davis – Nutana


Nutana Lawn Bowling Club - July 26-28

Gold: Jack Wigham and Kitty Cooper

Silver: Murray Pituley and Kendra Pituley

Bronze: Doug Normand and Ingrid Riffel

Garry Dolinski and Jenny Mah
Gary Laurence and Erin Higgins
Owen Wright and Lorie Young
Ron Kaye and Laura Hale
Joe Chermishnok and Arlene Chermishnok
Robert Hackett and Carolyn Jones
Clem Grant and Bud Mowery
Peter Christensen and Nola Stein
Daniel Morin and Hilda Voth
Alex Scott and Judith Lowe
David Ackerman and Felicity Hogg
Doug Normand and Ingrid Riffle
Isobel Parkin and Andrew Sharpe
Kitty Cooper and Jack Wigham
Murray Pituley and Kendra Pituley
Bruce MacDonald and Shawna Pickrell

