From Bowls Canada

From Bowls Canada:  The  Canadian Fours Champions finished off strongly overseas at the 2015 Tiger Bowls  World Invitation and the Tiger Bowls China Tour last week. Our Canadians started off the competition on Hong Kong where the  women finished 8th out of 42 in the Cup section.  The women’s team consisted of Jean Roney,  Clem Grant, Jordan Kos and Carolyn Jones.   The men’s team qualified for the Cup section, but struggled on day 2  play and finished out of the top placing.   The men’s team consisted of Vince Mai, Kin On Lau, Clement Law and Keith  Roney.The teams used what they learned in Hong Kong to dominate in  Shenzhen China.  They worked together as  a unit and made Canadians proud.  The  women lost to the United States in the final and finished in second place  overall, winning the silver medal.  The  men also improved and finished 5th in their section.Overall both teams did extremely well and  have once again put Canada on the map.   The players will be able to use this experience to continue to grow and  continue to represent Canada to proudly.



