Call for Nominations to Bowls Sask Board

Call for Nominations to Bowls Sask Board

Nominations are being accepted for the Board of Directors of Bowls Saskatchewan. Directors will be elected at the Annual General Meeting on June 2, 2024. Elected directors shall take office immediately following the meeting and hold office up to the Annual General Meeting which concludes their term. One of the most important volunteer commitments to the sport is serving on the Board of Directors and Bowls Saskatchewan needs dedicated volunteers.

Bowls Saskatchewan consists of a maximum seven (7) positions with 4 positions being open for nomination at this AGM.

The positions available are as follows:

President (2 year term)

Vice-President (2 year term)

Secretary/Treasurer (1 year term)

Director-at-Large (2 year term)

Responsibilities of Bowls Sask Board Members: The Board of Directors shall provide leadership and strategic direction for the Association. The Board is responsible for establishing the overall mandate and direction for the Association and ensuring the effective implementation of policies and programs.

Serving on the Board of Bowls Saskatchewan implies a commitment to actively work towards the development of the sport and the Association. This commitment would include the following responsibilities:

§ to provide leadership and vision for the Association

§ attend and actively participate in all meetings of the Board of Directors

§ be actively involved in one or more committees

§ represent the members’ views and interests honestly and accurately remembering that a member of the Board represents the membership at large and not a particular club, interest group or program area and to act in the general interest of all members. The best way to ensure all members are adequately served is by ensuring that Bowls Sask develops policies and programs that are universally fair and objective.

§ be informed about the background of issues in order to discuss them responsibly; stay informed of issues by regularly reading circulated information and questioning when appropriate

§ know and understand the roles and responsibilities of the board, committee and staff

§ adequately prepare for meetings; review minutes of the last meeting, review reports for upcoming meetings, review policy and procedures manual as appropriate

§ endorse collective decisions of the Board publicly (even if you may not share them personally), be a booster and not a complainer outside the Board

§ insist on adequate preparation of the staff

§ accept promotion or special assignments and projects only if the Board Member is confident that she/he will do well for the organization and have the time, interest and ability to undertake the task

§ remember that a Board Member holds a position of trust and must maintain confidentiality in all matters relating to Board and Association business

Characteristics of a Good Board Member 

Dedication. A Board member should be willing to give up some time on a regular basis.

Interest. Board members should have a desire to work at improving the programs and operations of Bowls Sask and the sport of lawn bowling.

Integrity. A good board member should be above suspicion of improprieties such as conflict of interest.

Discretion. A good board member will understand the importance of confidentiality in association matters and will behave accordingly.

Communication Ability. Board members need to be able to articulate their views clearly to others.

Common Sense. Board members need not have sport, financial or administrative experience or training. They do need the ability to make reasonable decisions based on clear thinking and an assessment of information provided to them.

Accountability. Board members must have enough faith in their decisions to be willing to be held legally and ethically accountable for them.

Suitability. A board functions best as a team. A good board member is one who can work well with other members.

Confidence. Board members should be confident enough to have their performance judged, by themselves

Those interested in running for a position on the Board and/or if you require more information, please contact myself, as the Nomination Chair, Rachel Larson at [email protected].  The names of a nominator and seconder for your nomination will be required together with a very brief bio providing information including but not limited to  your experience serving on Committees and Boards as well as your interest in why you wish to serve on the Board.

Although nominations can be received from the floor, it is requested that nominations be received by May 27, 2024 so that bios can be shared with delegates prior to the AGM.

Rachel Larson

Bowls Sask Nomination Chair
