Bowls Canada Boulingrin will be live streaming some of the 2016 Canadian National Championships and the 2016 Singles Championships

Bowls Canada Boulingrin will be live streaming some of the 2016 Canadian National Championships and the 2016 Singles Championships. Stay tuned for more information on this.

Junior/ Under 25 Championships
August 1st – 8th, 2016
North Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club (North Vancouver, B.C

Canadian National Championships
August 14th -20th, 2016
Commonwealth Lawn Bowling Club (Edmonton, A.B)

Senior Triples Championships
August 25th- 31st, 2016
Dartmouth Lawn Bowling Club & Wanderers Lawn Bowling Club (Dartmouth & Halifax, N.S)

Singles Championships
September 5th – 10th, 2016
West Vancouver Lawn Bowling Club (West Vancouver, B.C)

Mixed Pairs Championships
September 15th – 20th, 2016
Glenridge Lawn Bowling Club (St. Catharines, O.N)
