Award of Merit Recipients for 2011

Jean Roney – nominated by the Regina Lawn Bowling Club
Bev Kenyon – nominated by the Mayfair Lawn Bowling Club

Jean Roney

Jean Roney has been a member of the Regina Lawn Bowling Club since 1982 – a period of 29 years. During this time she has become an outstanding lawn bowler and one of our province’s foremost ambassadors in promoting the sport. She has served in several capacities on the RLBC Board for many years; twice as President. She is currently in her second year as Treasurer in her latest go-round. She is generous with her time at the local level and assists with coaching and instructing of school groups when her busy schedule allows it. During 2011, she officiated at several of the provincial playdowns held at the RLBC.

Jean has served in various leadership roles with Bowls Sask over the years, including President and Treasurer, as well as being Head of Umpires in our province. She is currently Past President on the Bowls Sask. Executive.

Jean is an outstanding representative of the sport of lawn bowling, the winner of several tournament at the national level, and has represented Canada as a member of the national team, most recently at the Atlantic Championships in Cyprus in October 2011.

SPONSORS: Regina Lawn Bowling Club
