23 December 2015
2016 Sask Calendar & Age for Senior Triples
2016 Sask Calendar & Age for Senior TriplesThe 2016 Saskatchewan Playdown Schedule is now available.. Thank you to the Sport for All Committe for their work on schedule. http://www.bowls.sk.ca/index.php/calendar-of-eventsAdditionally the Bowls Canada Board passed the following motion regarding the age for Senior Triples: “In recognition of the pending comprehensive Competition Review to be conducted over the next two years, the age restriction of 65 and over, in the year of competition, for the Senior Triples, be rescinded… until such review in completed”, will stand. This means that for 2016 and 2017 the age will go back to 60. November 9– Saskatchewan Lawn Bowlers heading down under
Regina Lawn Bowlers will be representing Team Canada in two separate events.
Jean Roney will be attending the World Singles Champion of Champions in Queensland, Australia, November 16-22, 2015. 25 Countries will be completing to be the best in the world!
Harriette Pituley will be attending the Asia Pacific Championships in Christchurch, New Zealand, November 24 – December 6, 2015. Harriette will be competing in the Women’s Triples and Fours. The Asia Pacific Championship is the qualifier for the 2016 World Championships.
Good Luck!